New Harrison coal calendars for 2020 are now available
Upcoming 2020 meetings and events are announced
Upcoming 2020 meetings and events are announced
CADIZ — The 2020 Harrison Coal & Reclamation Historical Park calendars are ready for purchase. The calendars can be found at the Puskarich Public Library, 200 E. Market St., Cadiz, and at the Harrison Visitor Center, 143 S. Main St., Cadiz. The 2020 calendars feature the Marion made #5561 “C” 40 cubic yard shovel, “The Wasp”. It began operation in 1949. The Wasp was assembled near the Duncanwood railroad siding. This calendar was sponsored by the Harrison Co. Tourism Council, Leonard and Dolly Ferrara, Sue Adams, Kelly Michelli and Marilyn Monzula.
If you or your business would like to be a sponsor or sponsor the entire 2021 calendar call 740-391-4135. There is a cost. Send orders to Dale Davis, 800 N. 13th St., Cambridge, OH 43725.
There are a series of these dating from 2011 and make excellent presents and collector’s items. Checks or money orders made payable to HCRHP. Also, the parks sends out a big “thank you to all of you who have supported us by purchasing these calendars, to Jack Kibble for assembling photos and script and to Jefferson County JVS for the printing.”
Photos are hard to come by and the calendars have become collector’s items over the years. This project began in 2011. Past calendars include the Mountaineer Marion 60E in 2011; The Gem of Egypt Bucyrus-Erie 1950-B in 2012 sold out; Hanna Coal early years (1939-1941) in 2013; The Tiger Marion 5561 “A” in 2014; The Silver Spade Bucyrus-Erie 1950-B in 2015; The Bucyrus-Erie 550-B in 2016; The Georgetown Preparation Plant in 2017; The Green Hornet Marion 5561 “B” in 2018; and Hanna Coal & Consol Coal Tipples from the 1930’s through the 1970s in 2019.
All calendars have at least 12 different photos. All are still available for purchase. They are done each year as a money making project for the HCRHP and to preserve Ohio’s mining heritage.
People are invited to the join the park organization; visit,, and
Meanwile, the 2020 Annual Harrison Coal & Reclamation Historical Park Meeting will be held in the spring at 11 a.m. March 7 at the Harrison County History Of Coal Museum, 200 E. Market St., Cadiz.
During the meeting there will be an election of officers and directors; membership meeting; review and discuss plans review; discuss fundraising; committees; machinery maintenance, restorations, projects and more.
Anyone interested in being a officer, director, being on a committee, or volunteering is urged to attend. The Harrison County History of Coal Museum is located in the lower level of the Puskarich Public Library. Meeting will be held in the large meeting room.
Monthly Harrison Coal & Reclamation Historical Park membership meetings are held the first Tuesday at the Harrison County Visitors Center, 143 S. Main St. Cadiz, at 6:30 p.m.
The Ohio Valley Chapter of the Historical Construction Association, the Antique Caterpillar Machinery Owners Club-Chapter 22, and the Old Construction & Mining Equipment Show will be holding meetings following the Harrison Coal & Reclamation Historical Park meeting.
Also in the spring, the 26th Annual Harrison Coal & Reclamation Historical Park Dinner-Auction will be held at the Hopedale VFD Social Hall, 103 Firehouse Lane, Hopedale, on May 9. Doors open at 4:30 p.m., dinner at 5:30 p.m, followed by speaker and auction starting around 7:30 p.m.
The guest speaker will be Chris Runyan, president of the Ohio Contractors Association. Something new at the event, will be a chance auction. There is a cost for tickets that includes buffet style dinner, speaker and more. For reservations or information, call Marilyn Monzula at 740-942-3895 or Dale Davis 740-391-4135. Make checks payable to HCRHP and send to HCRHP, 143 S. Main St. Cadiz, OH 43907
The Harrison Coal & Reclamation Historical Park’s mission is to preserve the history of the mining, construction, agriculture, logging, transportation, and oil & gas industries.
Next Fall, the 17th Annual Old Construction & Mining Equipment Show will be held Sept. 12-13 on Ohio 519 (43672 Stumptown Road), between New Athens, U.S. 22. Just over a 1 mile west of New Athens. Plans are to have two shows a year starting in 2021.