
Local photographer chronicles career in new memoir

BETHESDA — Professional photographer and Bethesda resident Tiffany Bumgardner recently published a memoir chronicling her decade-long journey in photography.

“Before you can be a professional, you must first be a beginner,” said Bumgardner in her autobiography “Glass Eyes: A Photographer’s Journey” which was released to the public this month.

Bumgardner followed an unconventional path in photography by becoming a rodeo photographer who prides herself on the skills she learned in the dirt and dust of the rodeo arena.

“Glass Eyes” follows Bumgardner’s journey from a college student, to becoming a world traveler who eventually created a photography business all without formal education in either business or photography.

The memoir offers helpful tips for those wanting to start photography careers and a look into the unpleasant realities photographers can face in business most notably being image theft. “Glass Eyes” also includes numerous photographs as well as helpful sections with definitions and explanations of photographic terms.

Bumgardner is an Ohio Valley native with a degree from Ohio University’s local Eastern branch. She has had the tremendous pleasure of traveling to 17 international countries with a camera in hand and enjoys helping others who are passionate about photography.

Bumgardner has won numerous photography awards, placed in international competitions and had her photographic work displayed in galleries. In recent years she has focused on returning to her roots photographing horse shows and hopes following the pandemic to resume shooting performers and live events.

“Glass Eyes: A Photographer’s Journey” is available for purchase online with all major retailers and her website exposureonestudios.com.


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