
MR. & MRS. BERNARD MATUSIK Celebrate 50th wedding anniversary

Bernard and Bonnie Matusik celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on July 1.

They were united in marriage July 1, 1967, by the Rev. E.W. Lodwick in Mt. Pleasant.

They renewed their vows Sept. 8, 1990, at St. Casmirs in Adena with Msgr. John Kolesar officiating.

Bernie is the son of the late John and Frances Matusik and Bonnie is the daughter of the late Stanley Paul and Kathleen (Kay) Goff. Bernie is a retired coal miner and Bonnie a full-time housewife.

They have two children Paulette (Rob) Ledfors of Mt. Pleasant, and Paul (Kristy) Matusik of Cadiz. They have four grandchildren Katie (Adam) Roberts, Zackary Matusik, Realyn and Tiffany Taylor.

A party was held at Shannon’s Place with family and friends.


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