
50th wedding anniversary

Walt & Lucy Muklewicz

Walt & Lucy Muklewicz of St. Clairsville are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. The couple was married on November 30th, 1974 by Rev. Collins in Bellaire Presbyterian Church.

Mrs. Muklewicz is the former Lucy A. Snedeker, daughter of the late Herbert and Ruth Ann Snedeker of Bellaire, Ohio.

Mr. Muklewicz is the son of the late Walter and Betty Muklewicz of Bellaire, Ohio.

The couple has one son, Scott Muklewicz and one grandson, Ryan Muklewicz of Bellaire, Ohio.

Lucy recently retired after 42 years as a Corporate Senior Case Mix Specialist for a national nursing home corporation.

The couple now enjoys spending their time biking, boating, traveling, and spending time with family and friends.


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