
Barton Polkafest is Aug. 4

Photo Provided People enjoy the music, dancing and dining at a past Barton Polka Fest. The event returns on Aug.4 at Fireman’s Field.

BARTON — The Barton Volunteer Fire Department will celebrate the 30th annual Barton Polka Fest on Sunday, Aug. 4, once again offering free admission to eight hours of nonstop, polka music by some of the nations top polka bands.

The polka fest has been held every year since 1993 (taking 2020 off for COVID). The gates open at 11 a.m., and music will start at noon. It will be held at the Fireman’s Field at 52176 Barton-Blaine Road in Barton. For GPS purposes, type in Saint Clairsville, Ohio.

The kitchen will open at 11 a.m. serving barbecue chicken, cabbage rolls, cabbage and noodles, kielbasa and kraut, pierogies and other sandwiches and foods. There will be a cash bar and Vino di Piccin wine slushies.

There will be an auction, raffles, a Blackstone grill raffle, gift card raffles and a chance to win $1000 cash.

European folk art will be on site from Pittsburgh selling Polish T-shirts, Polish pottery, and many Polish items and gifts.

The band lineup includes Frankie Liszka and Blue Magic from Pennsylvania, Mike Costa and “The Beat” from New Jersey, and, also from Pennsylvania, “Polka Family.”

Admission is free, but there will be a fire boot out for donations that will be put toward the construction of a new fire station in Barton.

No BYOB or coolers permitted on the grounds. The event will be held rain or shine. Ice Cream Island will also be on site with its ice cream food truck. A bake sale will also be available.

St. Nicholas Church of Barton will be selling homemade nut rolls while they last. There will also be free parking and free shuttles picking up people in the parking areas.

For more information, call 740-695-3029.

The fire department also wants to remind people that the bridge on Barton-Blaine Road (Belmont County Road 10) is now open for traffic. All proceeds will benefit the Barton Volunteer Fire Department building fund.


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