
Barn artist to speak

Photo Provided This colorful mural by Barn Artist Scott Hagan depicts various aspects of life in Barnesville. It can be seen on the north side of the Barnesville Antique Mall.

BARNESVILLE — The Watt Center for History and the Arts is excited to welcome Barn Artist Scott Hagan at 7 p.m. Tuesday for a presentation.

Hagan will speak about how he developed into a regional muralist and share projects from around the region and state. One of his most recent murals is in Barnesville, on the north side of the Barnesville Antique Mall. It is easily seen by those traveling south on Ohio 800 (North Chestnut Street).

In 2003 as Ohio was celebrating its bicentennial, Hagan was selected to paint the official logo on barns in all 88 counties in the state. He has also created interior murals in many school gymnasiums.

The Watt Center is located at 511 Watt Ave., Barnesville. Doors will open at 6 p.m. A $5 donation will be appreciated. Guests are urged to come early to see the displays featuring local history and artists.

For more information, call Mary Sidwell at 740-926-1547 or 740-391-4399.


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