
St. Clairsville recreation department gets creative

Photo provided Heart-shaped cookies made by Buttery Me Up Cookies & More are displayed ahead of an upcoming cookie making class.

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — The St. Clairsville Parks and Recreation Department is aiming to be known for more than just youth sports.

The department will be hosting a cookie-making class at 6 p.m. Feb. 12 at the Kevin Barr Event Center. St. Clairsville Parks and Recreation Department Director Eric Gay said the event is nearly sold out, and early registration is required for attendees. He added that to preregister, residents must call the recreation center at 740-695-2037.

The event costs $15, which will include everything needed to participate in the event. Buttery Me Up Cookies & More will be providing all of the materials needed to bake and decorate the cookies.

Gay said he hosted a Christmas cookie event at the Kevin Barr Event Center this past December, and it was such a success that people in the community have been asking him repeatedly to host a similar event. He added that with Valentine’s Day approaching, he believed it would be the best time to host another cookie decorating activity.

Although decorating cookies may be fun for all ages, the Wednesday event is for people 18 years and older.

“Eighteen-plus kind of just helps move the class along,” Gay said. “We offer a ton of events for the kids, and we love doing the kids’ things, but we also like offering things for the adult crowds as well.”

In addition to Buttery Me Up Cookies & More, Vino Di Piccin Winery, located in Lansing, will also be on hand providing wine samples for the people in attendance who are of legal drinking age.

“It’s just a really neat event that’s something different that a lot of people have asked about that we’ve done and want to continue to do it,” Gay said.

In addition to the cookie class, Gay will also be offering acrylic painting classes that will start on Thursday and end on March 6. The four-week class will cost $25 per person and take place at 6 p.m. Thursdays at the recreation center. It will be led by St. Clairsville Councilman Lucian Murzyn.

Murzyn is no stranger to teaching. He was a college instructor at Ohio University Eastern for about 30 years. He taught math, teaching methods, physical education, first aid and CPR classes.

“We have our sports events and concerts, but we want to start incorporating some art events as well,” Gay said.

He added that just like the cookie class, all of the materials needed for the painting class are included in the entry fee.

Gay said he and Murzyn came up with the idea for the event in 2024 and were able to iron out the details in January. He added that although this event is not limited to 18 years or older, it is for residents who are teenagers or older.

“We’re trying to keep it to nobody who’s going to need supervision,” Gay said.

He added that all of the events hosted by the recreation department are listed on its website at stclairsvilleparksandrecreation.com.


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