
Buettner named transportation director at OMEGA


CAMBRIDGE, Ohio – Kevin Buettner has been promoted to transportation director at the Ohio Mid-Eastern Governments Association.

“Since he joined OMEGA as an intern in 2015, Kevin has demonstrated a passion and commitment to helping communities in our 10-county region position themselves for success,” OMEGA Executive Director Jeannette Wierzbicki said. “His drive, initiative and creative problem solving are significant assets to OMEGA and our members. During this past year, Kevin has taken a lead role in OMEGA’s transportation planning program, and I am pleased to announce his promotion.”

Since joining the Cambridge-based Local Development District as an intern in 2015, Buettner has created a Regional Transportation Improvement Plan for an eight-county region in conjunction with statewide planning efforts, assisted with the implementation of a regional pilot program for coordinated public transit/human services transportation, assisted in the formation and implementation of seven Safe Routes to School Travel plans for communities in Ohio’s Appalachian region and provided administrative and technical assistance to communities on a variety of state and federal funding applications.

“As the new transportation director, I am excited to lead my team in assisting communities to further develop a robust transportation system throughout the OMEGA region,” Buettner said. “It is my goal to use this opportunity as a blank slate to develop strategies that will establish OMEGA as the leading regional transportation planning organization in the state.”

Buettner earned an associate of applied sciences in aviation management from the Community College of the Air Force, a bachelor of arts in political science from the University of Alaska in Anchorage and a master’s degree in city and regional planning from Ohio State University. He served as a staff sergeant in aviation resource management in the U.S. Air Force from 2008-14 and earned a LEED AP ND certification from the U.S. Green Building Council and AICP certification from the American Planning Association in 2018.


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