
Bellaire schools receive donations from alumni

T-L Photo/CARRI GRAHAM Jim Tarbet, member of the Bellaire Class of 1965, presents a check to Derrick McAfee, principal of Bellaire High School, on Friday afternoon. The committee donated $500 to the school’s art department. Also pictured are art department students and members of the Bellaire Class of 1965.

BELLAIRE — Bellaire High School Art Department students will receive necessary supplies, thanks to a group of alumni.

wThe Bellaire High School Class of 1965 donated $500 to the art department at the school, where the group of alumni graduated more than 50 years ago. The alumni also made a $1,000 donation to the elementary school that will fund the students’ upcoming Thanksgiving dinner.

Alumni Jim Tarbet, Bert Snedeker, Linda Sidon, Anita Smigill and Linda McCabe presented checks to the two schools on Friday afternoon.

“They deserve it and they need it,” Tarbet said.

Smigill said the Class of 1965 holds an annual reunion and party where members raise money, and all of the proceeds go directly to school district. The collected proceeds fund any project the school has going on that year, she said.

“Over the past 20 years, we have donated bleacher seats for the stadium, band instruments, defibrillator batteries, money to the technology program and more,” Smigill said.

Last year, more than $3,000 was donated to the middle school to send eight students to Washington, D.C. The money helped students with transportation, housing and food. The alumni class has donated more than $30,000 over the past 25 years to Bellaire schools. And the schools are grateful for the support.

“We love our alumni,” BHS Principal Derrick McAfee said. “We’re certainly blessed to have the support that we have from as many alumni that we have. The Class of 1965 has done things for us before, and we’re eternally grateful.”

Smigill said the class soon will present a $500 check to the industrial arts program as well.

“We will have more money to present then, and we’re planning on giving a check to the industrial arts program here real soon,”she said.

The alumni will celebrate their 55th graduation anniversary in August.


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