
Bellaire Elementary class spreading good wishes

Photos Provided ABOVE: Bellaire Elementary’s fourth grade leadership group displays the coffee cup sleeves they’ll pass out at Starbucks in St. Clairsville on Valentine’s Day.

BELLAIRE — A little Valentine’s Day love can come from anywhere, and members of Bellaire Elementary School’s fourth grade leadership group, led by counselor Natalie Manners, is doing their part.

On Sunday, the group will travel to the St. Clairsville Starbucks at the Ohio Valley Mall to pass out the 200 coffee cup sleeves they fixed up for customers. “A joyful wish in every sip” is what Manners titled their project.

“Bellaire elementary fourth and third grade students wanted to help spread some Valentine’s love to the community,” Manners said via email last week.

The kids brainstormed some ideas and together they came up with the coffee sleeves.

They also decided that dressing up 200 sleeves was too much for the group, which is made up of just eight students. So they brought in the entire fourth grade class, as well as the third-graders, and they all pitched in.

“The manager … was more than happy to partner with us and spread some kind thoughts. Starbucks agreed to give us over 200 coffee sleeves to decorate and write statements such as “U Matter,” “Glad u-r-u,” ”Good Vibes,” “Be You,” Manners explained.

“We wanted to spread love, especially if you are having a bad day,” fourth grade student Jordan Price said.

Other ideas they’ve come up with in the past were directed toward teachers, such as giving them a gift of lip balm because “they’re the bomb,” or using other catchy little phrases to match the gift.

“We want our children to be able to work together as a school and community. We want them to know the value that they bring, not just to Bellaire Elementary, but to the community. Kindness creates a ripple effect,” Manners said.

Manners wants the kids to find their own voice and take the lead for themselves. She calls her students her “feedback,” noting they tell her what works and what doesn’t work.

“Just because you’re in fourth grade doesn’t mean you can’t make changes,” she said.


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