
Belmont County comes together for cancer patient

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — The community of Belmont County is coming together to help resident Kenny Mahr.

Mahr has spent the last three years being a maintenance worker for the Belmont County Fairgrounds and Belmont County Agricultural Society. He was recently diagnosed with cancer and is in need of financial help.

Belmont County Fairgrounds Director Ed Campbell quickly jumped into action, organizing a spaghetti dinner fundraiser to help Mahr cover some of his medical bills.

“He takes great pride in working at the fairgrounds and kind of keeps us all straight and keeps everything going for us,” Campbell said. “He has cancer in several places throughout his body, and just like a lot of other people in the valley his insurance just isn’t that great.”

He said Mahr recently went to the doctor because he wasn’t feeling well and the doctor found cancer that has spread throughout Mahr’s body. Campbell added that Mahr is like family to him and the rest of the fairgrounds staff.

“We want to do everything we possibly can to help him ease some of the burden,” Campbell said.

The spaghetti dinner will be Saturday, Dec. 14, starting at noon and ending at 6 p.m. and will take place at the Wise Building at the Belmont County Fairgrounds. The dinner is paid by the plate and costs $15 for adults and $5 for children age 12 and under. Each plate will include spaghetti, salad, dinner roll, dessert and a beverage.

Campbell said the food and beverages are being donated by multiple families that are friends, coworkers and supporters of Mahr. He added that Reisbeck’s Food Market also donated some of the food items to contribute to the fundraising event.

“It’s coming in from all over,” Campbell said.

In addition to the dinner, several items will be auctioned off in hopes of raising the most money possible for Mahr.

“We’re going to be having gun raffles as well as several other raffles, chain saws and leaf blowers, there’s donations coming in all of the time. We’ll have a silent auction with a bunch of different gift baskets and other things like that,” Campbell said.

A 50/50 raffle will be held during the fundraiser.

“Kenny is one of the most dedicated employees we’ve ever had and there’s no question about it,” Campbell said. “The fairgrounds has been a better place since he’s come to work here.”

He added that in addition to Mahr’s hard work, he is also incredibly trustworthy and always follows through when it comes to his work at the fairgrounds.

“I don’t think he’s ever met a stranger. He’s just a downright good person,” Campbell said. “He enjoys working with us at the fair and is just a darn good person and a very good friend.”

He encourages everyone to come to the spaghetti dinner to help raise money for Mahr

“Everyone come out and enjoy a spaghetti dinner on Saturday and help us support a good cause,” Campbell added.


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