
Salvation Army, ‘Operation Toy Lift’ items distributed to families

WHEELING — In less than a week, Santa will officially bring toys to all good boys and girls, but on Wednesday, some elves were busy distributing items collected locally to make certain they arrive under the tree Christmas morning.

Many of the toys will actually be given out throughout the year.

Members of the Wheeling Police Department distributed large boxes of toys at WVU Medicine Wheeling Hospital which were collected during the recent “Operation Toy Lift” at the Ohio Valley Mall.

Also, the Salvation Army of Wheeling passed out 579 angel bags to families whose children had their names on the Salvation Army “Angel Tree” this year.

“The majority are in Ohio County, with 168 in Marshall County,” said Lt. John Lawrence of the Salvation Army of Wheeling. “Between Wetzel and Tyler (counties) we have another 100.

“There were over 300 angels for Ohio County.”

The younger angels asked for toys, but as they got older the requests ranged “from bikes to archery equipment,” Lawrence said.

His wife, Lt. Candy Lawrence, noted video games also were a popular ask with the older kids, as was make-up and cosmetics.

“There were also requests for outside sporting items like fishing poles,” she said.

John Lawrence said, with the help of the community, the Salvation Army was able to purchase many of the items wanted by the children.

Turnout was strong during the first hour by those coming to pick up the angel bags. Pick up was slated to take place from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m., but more than half the bags were gone during the first hour, he estimated.

“We’re also giving out food gift cards to families with children on the Angel Tree,” Lawrence added. “We had about $18,000 in gift cards for them.”

The Salvation Army of Wheeling is presently running on a pace to achieve only 35% of its goal this Christmas season, though the organization is running about even with last year’s donations, he explained.

Last year’s goal was to raise $100,000, and this year the amount was raised to $200,000 to account for increasing costs and need, according to Lawrence.

Also on Wednesday, members of the Wheeling Police Department carried in a large box of toys donated during “Operation Toy Lift.” The items will now be handed out to children in the pediatrics ward both during Christmas and throughout the year.

Victims advocate Samantha Baker said she also has Christmas bears and books to deliver to the children.

“We have a lot of kids who come in and get bored because there isn’t much for them to do,” explained Jessica Thompson, nursing manager for the pediatrics ward. “We distribute them throughout the year, and they love them.”

The Wheeling Police Department and the Belmont County Sheriff’s Office collaborated on “Operation Toy Lift,” an effort organized by the United Way of the Upper Ohio Valley.

“The police department and the sheriff’s department are proud partners in supporting us to give all kids a good Christmas this year,” said Jane Dombroski, development coordinator for the United Way of the Upper Ohio Valley.

Celia Callahan, a new hire for the Wheeling Police Department, said she was involved on the day of “Operation Toy Lift” and was impressed by the community’s generosity.

Helping out the community is one of the reasons she became a police officer, she acknowledged.


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