
Beallsville school releases honor roll and principal’s list students

Seventh grade

Principal’s List

Ayla Eing

Corbin Graham

Emory Lang

First Honors

Declyn Benson

Deegan Bondy

Alexis Dornon

Darcy Goodrich

Camryn Lucas

Chase Morris

Callen Raab

Jacob Riggs

Second Honors

Nyle Phillips

Eighth Grade

Principal’s List

Jaden Cunningham

Rane Gallaher

Lola Moore

Avaleigh Murdy

Emmalynn Pittman

First Honors

Roman Bicknell

Jayden Brown

Katelyn Dornon

Max Gasser

McKenna Gear

Alayna Gonzales

Kaylynn May

Kimber Morris

Ninth Grade

Principal’s List

Jameson Bable

Mason Dennison

Ja’Chelle Hill

First Honors

Rylan Albus

Kylie Anderson

Rayah Chappell

Khloey Clem

Carter Cole

Marissa Lucas

Abby McCulley

Alivia Ramsey

Logan Tomolonis

Second Honors

Brendon Morris

10th Grade

Principal’s List

Gabriel Eing

Kyler Kinzy

Raegan Lucas

Megan Robinson

First Honors

Chaz Gasser

Jayson Ramsey

Cassy Weiland

Second Honors

Lilly Ward

11th Grade

Principal’s List

Hailey Bable

Ryan Dornon

First Honors

Angel Dunn

Lyndsey Kinney

Carlee Winkler

12th Grade

Principal’s List

Elizabeth Clark

Katie Crooks

Tayla Decker

First Honors

Belle Brown

Anthony Dunn

Madison Mille


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