
West Liberty University Foundation announces two new endowed scholarships for education majors

WEST LIBERTY — The West Liberty University Foundation announces the establishment of two new permanently endowed scholarships, funded by Peggie Mueller in loving memory of her mother, Doris Waddell Dalrymple, and her brother, Robert “Bob” Theodore Dalrymple.

These scholarships celebrate the Dalrymple family’s lifelong dedication to education and their profound impact on students and communities.

The Doris Waddell Dalrymple

Memorial Scholarship

Born in 1921 in Bethany Pike, Doris Waddell Dalrymple was a trailblazer in education and athletics. A graduate of Wellsburg High School and then-West Liberty State College, she dedicated her career to teaching physical education and health in schools across West Virginia, Ohio and New York. Known fondly as “Coach D,” she inspired countless students to overcome challenges, build confidence, and discover their strengths, while also coaching basketball, volleyball, and track.

This scholarship will support undergraduate students in the College of Education and Human Performance who are pursuing a bachelor’s degree in education, with preference given to those in the health and physical education track.

The Robert “Bob” Theodore Dalrymple

Memorial Scholarship

Bob Dalrymple, a West Liberty University alumnus who earned his bachelor’s degree in 1974 and a master of education from the University of Dayton in 1981, dedicated nearly three decades to teaching in the Buckeye Local School District. Known affectionately as “Mr. D.,” he was a trusted mentor and advocate for his students, understanding their emotional, social and intellectual needs. His legacy as an educator and mentor continues to resonate with those whose lives he touched.

This scholarship will support undergraduate students in the College of Education and Human Performance who are pursuing a bachelor’s degree in education.

“These memorial scholarships embody my family’s dedication to education by supporting the next generation of educators, “ said Peggie Mueller. “Through their work, these future teachers will inspire their students to realize their full potential and develop the skills needed to navigate and shape their futures.”

Betsy Delk, executive director of the WLU Foundation noted, “We are deeply grateful to Peggie Mueller for her generosity and for choosing to remember her mother and brother in a way that will benefit future generations of teachers.”

Sherri Theaker, dean of the College of Education and Human Performance, expressed her appreciation for the lasting impact these scholarships will have.

“The Dalrymple family’s dedication to education exemplifies the values we uphold at West Liberty University,” she said. “These scholarships will empower our students to pursue their own dreams of becoming educators.”

Following a one-year vesting period for these endowed scholarship funds, the Doris Waddell Dalrymple Memorial Scholarship and the Robert “Bob” Theodore Dalrymple Memorial Scholarship will be available to award to West Liberty University students in the fall of 2026.

For more information about the courses of study in the WLU College of Education and Human Performance, visit westliberty.edu/education.


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