
Keep a smile in Bellaire

T-L Photo/JOSIE BURKHART Complete Dental Care has opened a new office in Bellaire, combining the Martins Ferry and Shadyside offices. Pictured are Dr. Anna Jose Warnock, from left, Officer Manager Christina Newlon and Dr. David Shoaf.

BELLAIRE — Patients can now keep their smiles healthy at Complete Dental Care’s new office in Bellaire.

Complete Dental Care opened a new office Dec. 10 at the Kroger Plaza at 340 28th St. Suite 340. This is a new office in the area, combining former offices in Shadyside and Martins Ferry. The office is open from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

This office combines the Shadyside and Martins Ferry operations to create a more centralized location, according to Office Manager Christina Newlon. The Martins Ferry and Shadyside offices were both over capacity, so the dental office wanted to blend them together to expand Complete Dental Care.

Newlon said the area the new office is in is a nice middleground for patients from Martins Ferry and Shadyside to visit. She noted how the new location could help the business grow within another community.

Complete Dental Care offers a variety of dental services, such as teeth cleanings and exams, gum disease therapy, teeth whitening, full mouth reconstruction, dentures and tooth extraction.

Newlon said business has been going really well since the location opened, with at least one new patient who has never been there before coming in every day.

Patients from Martins Ferry and Shadyside are now going to the new office, as well as new patients who are Bellaire residents.

“It’s been really nice,” she said. “We’re seeing an uptick, and we’re also seeing an uptick within the community. And I will say that the plaza here has been very welcoming as well. So it’s all been really positive.”

Newlong didn’t have to hire any new members onto the team because all of the staff moved to the Bellaire location, and Newlon said she is very blessed with her team. In the future, the office will look to expand the staff.

The two doctors working at the office are Dr. Anna Jose Warnock, DDS, and Dr. David Shoaf, DDS.

Newlon said everybody was really excited to get a new state-of-the-art office that has all the “bells and whistles,” and the practice continues to get new things for the office.

The office will be getting a 3-D printer that will print crowns within the office. Right now, everything has to be sent to a lab to be made and be sent back, but with the new 3-D printer, the practice will make everything on site. The front desk will also be getting kiosks where patients can check themselves in.

Newlon said working in the dental office is rewarding, because they are helping patients every day.

The team plans to expand the patient base and build the clientele within the community for the first year or two.


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