
Monroe County Health Department teaches dental health to local children

Photo Provided Monroe County Health Department RN Pam Knowlton, left, and public health nurse Stacie Arnold demonstrate the importance of brushing sugar and other foods off one’s teeth.

WOODSFIELD — Monroe County Health Department staff members are helping teach local school children how to properly care for their teeth and gums as part of National Children’s Dental Health Month this February.

The health department recently visited Covenant Christian Academy in Woodsfield and Skyvue Elementary School in the Switzerland of Ohio Local School District.

“The Monroe County Health Department is celebrating February’s Dental Health Month by providing dental education and kits to students at CCA and Skyvue,” according to the department’s social media. “Keep an eye out — they might visit your classroom next. Remember to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes and don’t forget to floss.”

The department advises parents that that very first tooth should be brushed.

“Begin brushing your baby’s teeth when you see one coming in with an infant toothbrush. Use water and a tiny bit of fluoride toothpaste; about the size of a grain of rice,” according to advice from the department.

“Clean your baby’s gums daily. Until those teeth come in, gently wipe a damp washcloth over the gums to clear away harmful bacteria after each feeding.

“Keep them hydrated; water helps rinse any sugar or particles that can lead to cavities.”

For more information and tips, parents are advised to visit childrensdentalhealth.com.

The website recommends that once a child’s teeth begin to touch that parents can begin flossing them.


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