
Powhatan Elementary names top students for 2nd 9 Weeks

Principal’s List

Cameron Corrick 4th

Gunnar Aanerud 4th

Jordyn Martin 5th

Jack Martin 6th

Isabella Weekely 7th

Dietrich Aanerud 7th

Kayley Schneider 8th

First Honors

Aidan Weekley 4th

Arthur Curtis 4th

Henley Bednar 4th

Paige Pack 5th

Toxey Hossman 5th

Carma Datkuliak 5th

Jayde Allen 5th

Andria Tolzda 6th

Olyvia McGuire 6th

Kyler Hunt 6th

Makenna Fetty 6th

Hannah Ogilbee 7th

Mikayla Hall 7th

Cooper Aberegg 7th

Aryia Tolzda 8th

Isaac Meadows 8th

Second Honors

Elijah Moreno-Martinez 4th

Travis Brown 4th

Anthony Williamson 6th

Isabella Schneider 8th


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