
Buckeye Local Names Delegates

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Buckeye Local High School named five delegates to attend the 2025 Buckeye Boys and Girls State this summer. Robert Call, John Frank and Jacob Davis will participate in Buckeye Boys State on June 8-15 at Miami University while Olivia Takach and Faith Shoaf will head to Buckeye Girls State on June 8-14 at Bowling Green University. The events are sponsored by the American Legion and Ladies Auxiliary, respectively, and educate youth on the duties, rights, privileges and responsibilities of being good citizens by exposing them to fundamental democratic principles in local, county and state government. Pictured are, front from left, are Olivia Takach, Robert Call and Faith Shoaf. Back: John Frank and Jacob Davis. Buckeye Boys and Girls State is supported locally by American Legion and Auxiliary Post 525 in Adena, Post 573 in Brilliant, Post 529 in Dillonvale and Post 735 in Piney Fork.


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