
Chavez Approves $11 Billion Transportation Budget in Senate

COLUMBUS–The Ohio Senate approved Amended Substitute House Bill 54, Ohio’s $11 billion two-year transportation budget. State Senator Brian Chavez (R-Marietta) voted in support of the bill.

“The Transportation budget strengthens our infrastructure across the Buckeye state,” Senator Chavez said. “I’m proud of the investments made in our state’s future with this budget and I am excited to see its affect across the 30th Senate District and the rest of Ohio.”

Erosion and hillside runoff undermines the integrity of road pavement, often leading to dangerous conditions and lane closures. Pavement slips and landslides are dangerous to drivers throughout eastern Ohio. The Transportation Budget allocates $15 million for emergency pavement repair to address this issue.

“The Transportation budget addresses significant safety concerns for our citizens and business travelers,” said Senate Transportation Chairman Tom Patton. “This is truly a forward looking, 21st Century budget that helps keep Ohio’s economy moving from Lake Erie to the Ohio River.”

The budget also helps smaller communities keep their roads clear and maintained through the help of ODOT. Villages can be snowed under during intense storms and could use assistance from the Department of Transportation in clearing snow or debris from storm damage. HB 54 provides that at no cost to a village.

The Transportation Budget is free of any tax increase on gas or diesel. “The Biden Administration has driven inflation and especially higher prices at the pump,” said Senate President Rob McColley. “It is important that we live within our means, much like the hard-working Ohioans who in the last several years have hoped that last quarter tank gets them to pay day.”

The $11.5 billion budget also maintains the convenience of voter registration at the BMV as long as the applicant provides proof of U.S. citizenship which is required to vote in Ohio.


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