
Moundsville’s newest councilman donates salary to local nonprofits

Photo by Emma Delk Moundsville Councilman Denny Hall, right, donated $500 of his council salary to the Marshall County Baseball Association. Vice President Jordan Hribal, left, accepted the check on behalf of the organizaiton on Saturday.

MOUNDSVILLE — One of Mounsdville’s newest council members has been signing $500 checks for local nonprofit organizations every month to fulfill a campaign promise, with his latest donation being to the Marshall County Baseball Association.

While campaigning for the Ward 1 council seat last year, Denny Hall promised to donate all of his pay if he was elected to local charities. He has been making good on this promise and has handed out a $500 check to a local organization each month he has been in the position.

“I decided to do this when I was running for council because I wanted to help the community, especially the nonprofits,” Hall said. “It just feels right to do with the money I’m earning on council. We get paid once a month, so I’m just trying to keep this going and help the community.”

Hall’s first donation was to the Marshall County Soccer Club. Hall handed over his latest check to the Marshall County Baseball Association on Saturday at the 12th Street Boys Baseball fields.

Hall’s contribution to the baseball association was particularly important to him, as he once volunteered as a coach for the program.

“I worked on these fields many, many years ago, and I know what they’re up against,” Hall said on Saturday. “I spent many days at the girls’ complex taking care of their field, cutting the grass and getting them ready for the girls to play on.”

Marshall County Baseball Association Vice President Jordan Hribal said the money would go toward the organization’s “Sponsor A Child” program. Through this program, community members and businesses can pay the costs of playing for children in the league.

“The money will go towards any sign–up fees, uniforms, equipment and anything else that the sponsored child or children may need for the season,” Hribal said.

With 230 children signed up to play baseball this year, Hribal said practices had just started for the new season. Hribal noted that parents new to the sport sometimes do not realize how much it can cost.

“I think a lot of parents don’t know what their child playing entails– some parents think that it costs millions of dollars to play, and some may think it will not cost much at all,” Hribal said. “When you get down to the thick of it, it does require a little bit of money to play, whether it’s for cleats, uniforms or rides to and from games. The cost can add up, so this is one way to help alleviate it for some people.”

Hribal added that community support plays a “huge role” in keeping the program going.

“It takes a village to raise a child but also to make an organization work,” Hribal said. “Luckily, we do have a lot of people coming together to make that happen for us. We thank Denny very much, and his donation is really going to help out the kids.”

Hall is in contact with other local organizations to line up future donations. Hall’s April donation will be to the Marshall County Animal Shelter.

“I’m thinking about reaching out to the American Legion [Post 3 in Moundsville] to help with their Honor Guard,” Hall said. “All the organizations I’ve interacted with so far have been really receptive towards this. I hope more people will help the nonprofit organizations in the area, as that help is needed.”


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