Transportation Improvement Program draft ready for review
WHEELING — The Transportation Improvement Program for Belmont County in Ohio and Ohio and Marshall counties in West Virginia has been prepared in draft form and will be available for public review and comment.
The TIP includes federal aid highway and transit projects and programs for which implementation is anticipated during the next four fiscal years beginning July 1, 2025.
The TIP will be available for review from March 24 until noon April 16 in the office of Belomar Regional Council, 105 Bridge Street Plaza, Wheeling. The TIP, including highway and transit project listings, will also be available on Belomar’s website at and Belomar’s Facebook page.
Also, Belmont, Ohio and Marshall counties have been redesignated to attainment of the 1997 PM2.5 (fine particulates) standards. Thus, emissions analysis is not required for PM2.5 conformity. Other conformity requirements still apply. Qualitative Conformity determination for the 1997 Ozone Standards is required. The FY2026 — FY2029 TIP includes projects consistent with the conforming 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan.
An open house for public involvement is scheduled from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 27 at the West Virginia Northern Community College B&O building at 1704 Market St., Wheeling to provide public input for ODOT’s State TIP and Belomar Regional Council’s Transportation Study TIP.
Interested parties, including representatives of the affected public and transportation agencies, private providers of transportation, freight shippers, providers of freight transportation services and other transportation stakeholders who desire to present their views on the draft TIP should visit or go to
Written comments should be directed to the Transportation Study Director at Belomar Regional Council, 105 Bridge Street Plaza, P.O. Box 2086 Wheeling, WV 26003 by noon April 16. Call 304-242-1800 for more information.