
Kmart demolition begins at Ohio Valley Mall; Veterans Administration clinic to see patients Monday

New mall VA Clinic to see patients Monday

Photo by Shelley Hanson/Demolition of the former Kmart store is underway at the Ohio Valley Mall to make way for a new Dunham's sporting goods store.

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — Razing of the former Kmart store attached to the Ohio Valley Mall is underway, and the new Veterans Administration clinic at the retail center is expected to start seeing patients on Monday.

Demolition of the Kmart structure is necessary to make way for a new Dunham’s sporting goods store. The work is being conducted by Raze International of Shadyside, who was hired by the mall’s owner, Cafaro Co., spokesman Joe Bell said Thursday.

Bell said it made more sense to demolish the old Kmart and start anew, especially since nearby a new Hampton Inn & Suites also will be constructed.

“It will help them with underground utilities and what not. That’s the standard way of operating,” he said.

Bell said for now, the mall is handling the site preparations, but he did not know if Dunham’s would be constructing its own store. He said it was possible the mall would construct the store and Dunham’s would handle the interior buildout work.

The hotel has its own developer and builder, but it will rent the land from the mall.

Meanwhile, the new Belmont County VA Outpatient Clinic inside the mall is expected to start seeing patients Monday, Sheila Tunney, public affairs specialist with Veterans Administration Pittsburgh Healthcare System, said. An open house and grand opening for the clinic, situated across from Ulta Beauty, is planned from 1-3 p.m. April 12. The VA is planning a Veterans Town Hall event following the open house at the mall’s Community Room.

Tunney said officials expected to attend the town hall include Interim Director Barbara Forsha and other VA Pittsburgh leaders; Jennifer Vandermolen, director of the Veterans Benefits Administration Pittsburgh Regional Office; and health care and benefits program staff who can address issues privately.

The new clinic replaces the existing clinic located on Plaza Drive off U.S. 40 in St. Clairsville. The new clinic will offer more space, 16,000 square feet, and additional services such as a new audiology service, a pharmacist on site and a coagulation clinic.

The health care professionals who work there are part of Valor Healthcare, a company that has been providing care to veterans since 2004. The Belmont County clinic was established 20 years ago.

The new site was proposed to the VA by Valor Healthcare. The contract process lasted about a year and included requests for proposals, evaluation of the proposals and the eventual award to Valor. Five physicians will work at the site.

Belmont County’s VA clinic is part of the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, which is comprised of University Drive and H.J. Heinz III medical centers in Pittsburgh and four other clinics in Beaver, Fayette, Washington and Westmoreland counties in Pennsylvania.

Veterans who are not sure about eligibility or enrollment status can call 412-822-2040. The Pittsburgh VA has more than 3,700 employees and serves about 70,000 veterans each year.


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