Spirit store fills former Sears vacancy

T-L Photo/CARRI GRAHAM The Spirit Halloween Store has returned to the Ohio Valley Mall and is now open for all the valley’s spooky needs.
ST. CLAIRSVILLE — It soon will be that time of year again for tricks, treats and everything spooky.
Spirit Halloween has returned to the Ohio Valley Mall to fill shoppers needs for seasonal accessories. Spirit officially opened on Aug. 17 and will remain open through October.
The seasonal store recently filled the vacant spot left by Sears, which closed last month after more than 40 years of business at the Ohio Valley Mall.
The Highlands Spirit location, in Triadelphia, is also now open, taking up space inside of the former Michaels craft supply store. The supply store closed its doors in early 2017 when the corporation decided not to renew the store’s lease.
Each year the Halloween shop, a franchise of Spencer’s, briefly moves into a different vacant store at the mall area from late summer through Halloween.
The franchise began hiring for the season last month and says it will remain open from now until mid-November.
The shop is known for selling seasonal decorations, Halloween costumes, animatronics, movies and accessories, all pertaining to the holiday.
At the moment, it remains to be seen what will permanently fill the vacancy left by Sears.