
Celebrate Women 2020 set at OUE

Lisa Allen
Lisa Badia
Elisa Contreras
Lydia Kellas
Lorraine McCardle

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — Ohio University’s Eastern Campus invites the community to attend “Celebrate Women 2020,” featuring a salute to the suffrage movement and a keynote address by Lisa Allen, chairwoman of the board of The Ziegenfelder Co.

The fourth annual event takes place March 19 in the Shannon Hall Theater on campus. Its theme is “Courage to Create Change.”

Sponsored by EQT, “Celebrate Women 2020” is free and open to the public. A networking and social hour, featuring complimentary hors d’oeuvres and refreshments provided by The Pike 40 Restaurant, will take place from 4-5 p.m. The program begins at 5 p.m. and will include a panel discussion by local leaders. The keynote address will start at 6 p.m.

“We are most thankful for the commitment of EQT,” said E. J. Schodzinski, director of external relations at Ohio University Eastern. “Because of their support, we have been able to put together a program that will build on our momentum from the last couple of years. I am really looking forward to this year’s event.”

EQT Foundation Manager Ellen Rossi said, “Engaging in conversations where women can celebrate and learn from shared experiences is an important element in helping to encourage inclusive communities. We are excited to bring this opportunity to Belmont County.”

The event is also sponsored by many campus organizations at OUE, including the Athletic Department, Cultural Life & Diversity Committee, Dean’s Office, Development Advisory Board, Education Club, Student Services Department and Wallflower Alliance. Local community sponsors include the Junior League of Wheeling, St. Clairsville Area Chamber of Commerce, the St. Clairsville Sunrise and Noon Rotary, and the YWCA — Wheeling.

Sponsors from the Athens Campus include: the Campus Involvement Center, Regional Higher Education, Ohio University’s Women’s Center, OHIO Alumni Association, and University Advancement.

“This celebration has been made possible by the generosity of EQT and also by the support of so many campus and community groups coming together to recognize courage and determination in its many forms,” said Ohio University Eastern Dean Jeremy Webster. “We are most appreciative of everyone’s enthusiasm and welcome everyone’s participation.”

According to Schodzinski, the panel discussion will feature local women who have exhibited the courage and strength to create change and better the community. This year’s panelists are Lisa Badia, executive director of the Greater Wheeling Coalition for the Homeless; Alicia Freeman, executive director of A Special Wish — Ohio Valley Chapter; Lorraine McCardle, president of the Miracle League of the Ohio Valley; and YWCA Youth Board members Elisa Contreras and Lydia Kellas. Contreras is a senior at Wheeling Central High School and Kellas is a senior at Wheeling Park High School.

To register, RSVP via email at ouersvp@ohio.edu or call Pam Saffell at 740-699-2494.

For more information, contact Schodzinski at schodzin@ohio.edu or 740-699-2503.


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