
City school board meets via internet

Martins Ferry City Schools Superintendent Jim Fogle leads a virtual meeting of the school board Tuesday, streamed over social media.

MARTINS FERRY — The Martins Ferry City Schools Board of Education held its first virtual meeting via Zoom on Tuesday,guarding against the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Superintendent Jim Fogle and board member Nick Stankovich ran the meeting from the district office while it was streamed on the district’s Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Fogle said links can be found at the website mfcsd.k12.oh.us.

Thanks went to Stacey Woods, technology club adviser at the library, and Bruce Hotlotz, STEM academy director, for making the virtual meeting possible. After the session, Woods said there were 10 viewers on YouTube and three hits on Facebook not connected to the school district.

There was no administrative report, but the business of education continues through distance learning.

“Everything’s at a standstill with the coronavirus,” Stankovich said, referring to school operations.

“I’d like to thank our principals and teachers for preparing the online assignment and blizzard bags for our students. Our lessons for the grades K-8 are on the district website. Our high school students will continue their instruction through the online platform that their teachers have chosen,” Fogle said.

He thanked parents and guardians for their help in delivering the online lessons.

“I know that can be challenging, and maybe even seem like a daunting task,” he said. “Students, make sure you are completing those assignments and turning those in on time. We do not want you to get behind. We ask that our students and parents email our teachers if you have any questions.”

He said if assignments are not completed online, they will be collected from students when or if they return to school this year.

“If we do not return to school, we will communicate to you as to how and when and where those drop-off spots will be once the stay-at-home order is lifted,” Fogle said.

He reminded parents that instructional resources can be found on the district website. More information will be made available through the site and the Rider Watch all-call system.

In addition, roof replacement work continues this week. Workers are putting finishing touches on, including snow and ice guards.

“They worked (Tuesday) the majority of the day installing ribs. They’re continuing to do that. There’s a few sections of gutters that are being installed, and also the snow and ice retention bars. That’s all decorative,” Fogle said. “I walked through after the big rains. I walked through both buildings. We haven’t had any new leaks since the roof has been installed.”

The board approved two hirings for the treasurer’s department. Logan Ballint resigned as treasurer’s assistant/budgetary and was hired as assistant treasurer/payroll for a salary of $53,707.64. The board voted unanimously in favor, with the exception of Scott Ballint, Logan Ballint’s father, who abstained. Korin Hoskinson was hired as treasurer’ assistant/budgetary for a salary of $46,607.64. The treasurer/payroll position has not been filled.

“We had a retirement months ago and we hadn’t filled the position until now. We didn’t create a position,” Fogle said.

In answer to a question from Stankovich, Fogle said the spring sports coaches will continue to be paid. Fogle said there are 10 coaches for track, baseball and softball.

“They got started and obviously weren’t able to finish because of the shutdown, which is out of their control,” Fogle said, adding they are staff members who are paid an additional 6 to 10 percent of their base salaries. “It’s minute.”

Board member Bill Suto reported heavy wind during the weekend took down about 30 yards of fencing by the stadium. School employees repaired the fence this week.

The next meeting is set for 5:30 p.m. May 12. It may be another virtual meeting.


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