
Monroe reports zero active COVID-19 cases

WOODSFIELD — Monroe County is reporting zero active COVID-19 cases in the county following negative results from a pop-up testing site.

The Monroe County Health Department made the announcement Tuesday morning after the county received results back from all 55 individuals who were tested for the virus last week during a pop-up testing site held Thursday at the Monroe Family Health Center in Woodsfield.

Amanda Sefert, public information officer for the health department, said all 55 results came back negative for the virus on Monday.

“The National Guard completed 55 tests using the nasal pharyngeal test which is the invasive test,” she said.

The free testing was a part of Gov. Mike DeWine’s Minority Health Strike Force initiative to provide free testing to individuals around the state

“It was to focus on the underserved population, and of course our area is an underserved population with the limited amount of physicians that we have in the county,” Serfert said.

Sefert said testing for COVID-19 is critical to help stop the spread of the virus.

“Testing individuals in the community allows us to quickly identify infected individuals, isolate those individuals and investigate and trace the contacts of those infected. This helps to contain and decrease spread of the illness,” she said.

As of Tuesday, the county has a total of 87 confirmed cases and two probable, 74 individuals are now reported as recovered while 15 have died. There are no active COVID-19 cases in the county.

“We’re excited about that. We haven’t had zero cases since April,” she said.

The county is currently at Level 1 on the Ohio Public Health Advisory System.

“It’s the lowest level to be, but we still want to take precautions,” she said.

Sefert said the health department continues to recommend residents follow the guidelines in order to keep everyone safe.

“We want to remind residents to continue social distancing, hand washing or sanitizing, and wear a mask in public buildings and outside if six-foot social distance cannot be kept,” she said.


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