
Harrison County Airport secures $310,000 in funding

CADIZ — The Harrison County Airport will soon be able to move forward with the first phase of a safety improvement project after securing a $310,846 grant through the Federal Aviation Administration. The FAA recently announced it has awarded more than $627 million in funding to aid infrastructure and safety projects through its Airport Improvement Program. Both Harrison County and Jefferson County airports were among the more than 400 grants that were awarded this year to 390 airports. “Airports serve as a lifeline for communities across the nation,” U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg stated in a release. “Modernizing our infrastructure in a way that creates jobs, ensures safety, combats climate change, and fosters equity is a top priority for the Biden-Harris Administration. These Airport Improvement grants will help airports across the country better serve their communities.” Dave Hamilton, board president of the Harrison County Airport Authority, said the money will be used toward the Harrison County Airport’s taxiway relocation project. “This will help with the design part of the taxiway relocation project. The taxiway is being moved so we have to move our fuel farm and sewer pump station, so the whole thing has to be redesigned and incorporated as well,” he said. The 3,765-foot runway runs parallel to the taxiway. The taxiway must be relocated to allow enough space between it and the runway in order to meet safety standards, Hamilton said. The project will be completed in two stages, he said. The first phase of the project is set to begin in the fall, while the second phase will take place in 2022 when the airport receives the next round of funding. “We keep trying to improve the airport as much as we can with the resources allocated to us,” he added. The airport is located off of Ohio 9 south of Cadiz. It is adjacent to the county industrial park. Another locally funded project is the Jefferson County Airpark located in Steubenville. The airport will be awarded a $3.8 grant for the reconstruction of its taxiway.


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