
Monroe County’s biggest light display is now up and running

Photo Provided Lights sparkle from the Pfalzgraf family home’s annual Christmas display, located along Sunfish Creek Road in Cameron, Ohio. The property is covered in more than 110,000 lights. Passersby are able to stop, enjoy the lights and music, and take a photo in the lighted “selfie booth.”

CAMERON, Ohio — A Cameron resident might give Clark Griswold a run for his money this year with his annual holiday light display, which contains more than 110,000 lights.

Kris Pfalzgraf, a teacher and basketball coach at River High School, said the display is the biggest light show in Monroe County. It not only covers his house, but also his barn, a hog pen, front yard, 55 trees and is accompanied by Christmas music.

“I know it is the largest. It might not be the best, most elegant or most beautiful, but I have the most in number. … It’s still nice. We like to make the kids say, ‘Wow, look at all those lights,'” he said.

For around 18 years now, Pfalzgraf has been decorating his family’s home for the holiday season, each time trying to exceed the previous year’s decorations.

“Go big or go home. I have to beat my own record. … I just keep adding and adding. Some years I’ve added 2,000-3,000, and some I’ve added 5,000 lights. There was a Facebook memory from 2013 that said I had 76,000 and now we’re looking at 110,000. We just keep adding.

“Over the years, I’ve extended it from just my house to my barn and to my yard and down the road,” he said, adding that the 55 Christmas trees in his yard were mostly given to him by residents to aid in the festivities.

New displays and lights are added each year, and the theme differs. This year’s newest addition is a “selfie booth,” where people driving by can stop off for a photo. He said it has been a big hit this year.

Hundreds of area residents make their way past the decorations each year. He said the family counted around 50 cars that stopped to take in the sights on the first night alone.

Pfalzgraf said it all started with him wanting to do something special for his kids and the community to enjoy.

“When I was growing up my mother and father would take me and my sisters all around the county to look at Christmas lights. It just seems like not as many people do that anymore, so I started to do it for people and the bigger I get and more graphics I have, the more people come,” he said. “Plus, my son, who is turning 20, is autistic and he loves having the biggest house with all the lights, so I do it for my children also.”

The whole process involves a lot of preparation and takes around three and a half months to complete. He said he typically begins decorating in September with a goal of turning the lights on Thanksgiving evening. He said he ran a bit behind this year and was still working on the setup just minutes prior to the timer flipping the lights on Nov. 25. It takes around the same amount of time to take all the decorations down and store them away in a 12 x 12-foot shed.

Pfalzgraf said he is beginning to run out of available electricity and only has one more breaker box to utilize for adding more lights next year. Still, he said he plans to continue to add even more lights to the display. He said he studies photos and videos and examines how he can improve the display from year to year.

“I plan to keep doing this until I don’t have my health. I’m very blessed that I have good health,” he added.

The house’s lights were recently featured on “Live with Kelly and Ryan,” a daytime talk show, and is currently a contestant in the “Deck the Homes Contest.” Those interested in casting their vote can do so by visiting kellyandryan.com/contests/enter-our-deck-the-homes-contest-now.

“We submitted a drone video we did of the house and we sent that in. We’re just excited to be a part of it,” Pfalzgraf said.

Those interested in seeing the lights can do so between 5 and 11 p.m. along Sunfish Creek Road in Cameron. The lights are on an automatic timer, as is the music that plays from 5:30-10:30 p.m. The lights will be on display until Jan. 1.


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