
St. John Central Academy holds May Procession

Photo Provided Youngsters participate in St. John Central Academy’s May Procession at St. John Church, Bellaire. This annual event is held on the Friday before Mother’s Day, May 6 this year, to honor Mary the Mother of Jesus and all of our earthly mothers. Pictured here are the queen and her court, from front left: Snow Drop Wreath Bearer Alannah Ostrander and Crown Bearer Kathy Tarasi. Behind them , from left, are: Sergeants at Guard Arcadia Finsley, Leah Grady, Attendant Hannah Grady, Queen Addison Kovach, Attendant Gianna Pramesa, Sergeants at Guard Gabby Handley, Rowdy Adams, Logan Weber and Kellan Dimmick.

Photo Provided

Youngsters participate in St. John Central Academy’s May Procession at St. John Church, Bellaire. This annual event is held on the Friday before Mother’s Day, May 6 this year, to honor Mary the Mother of Jesus and all of our earthly mothers. Pictured here are the queen and her court, from front left: Snow Drop Wreath Bearer Alannah Ostrander and Crown Bearer Kathy Tarasi. Behind them , from left, are: Sergeants at Guard Arcadia Finsley, Leah Grady, Attendant Hannah Grady, Queen Addison Kovach, Attendant Gianna Pramesa, Sergeants at Guard Gabby Handley, Rowdy Adams, Logan Weber and Kellan Dimmick.


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