
Voters pass Cumberland Trail Fire replacement levy

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — Voters in St. Clairsville and Richland Township gave their approval of a replacement levy for the Cumberland Trail Fire District during Tuesday’s primary election.

The levy, which will increase from 5 to 6 mills for the improvement of the firehouse, passed with 711 voting in favor and 185 opposed, according to unofficial vote totals announced Tuesday night by the Belmont County Board of Elections.

Fire Chief Tim Hall thanked the voters.

“I want to very humbly thank the continued support we receive from the voters of the city of St. Clairsville and Richland Township,” he said.

He also commended the fire district employees for their work in campaigning and outreach to the community about the need for this levy to continue to provide services residents are accustomed to.

“It was a team effort in canvassing,” Hall said.

He also thanked levy committee Treasurer Jacob Debertrand, fire board members Jim DeNoble, Linda Jordan and John Slavik, as well as Richland Township trustees and St. Clairsville City Council.

“I’m elated and excited and it’s a very humbling experience that the residents support us that much,” Hall said.

For the next step, Hall said he will meet with the board of trustees and review plans.

“Our intentions are to move forward first with the building project. We already have a conceptual design. The next process we’ll go through is have additional meetings with our architects and engineers to put plans to paper in the next design phase.”

Some plans include better shower facilities to address contamination after battling a blaze and larger kitchen facilities in the building.

Hall said they will also look to make wages more competitive with other Appalachian Ohio fire districts, in the interest of retaining firefighters.

In December 2021, the fire district was able to obtain ownership of the building, located at 142 S. Marietta St., from the city with the help of council and the administration.

Hall had hoped ownership would facilitate seeking grants, but no funding was available.

Richland Township Trustee Rick Ferrell was at the board of elections office when results came in and spoke in favor of the levy.

“I’m very pleased with the overwhelming results in the election. We know that our community supports our fire and EMS workers 100 percent. They do a fantastic job, day or night,” he said, adding that renovations will include decontamination facilities to address carcinogens firefighters are exposed to in the course of their duties. “We look forward to the progress we anticipate in the next couple of years with the upgrades to our facilities. Our people work there 24/7 at least several days a week, and they need to have facilities that will keep them safe. … The original facility built in 1978 was built for volunteer firefighters and really was not equipped to maintain a 24/7/365 operation.”

Meanwhile, voters also approved a license for Sunday liquor sales at the Cracker Barrel restaurant at the Ohio Valley Mall with 68 in favor and 19 against. Voters also approved liquor sales at Newellstown Diner on West Main Street with 29 in favor and 18 against, and Sunday sales there with 27 in favor and 20 opposed.

Of the 17 precincts that were open in Belmont County, 1,159 of the 11,410 registered voters — or 10.16 percent — cast a ballot. The polls closed at 7:30 p.m., and the board of elections received ballots beginning at 7:50 p.m. Final results were presented about 8:45 p.m. The board of elections will officially certify the votes during its 4 p.m. May 15 meeting at the board office, 52180 National Road, St. Clairsville.


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