
Betty Zane Days kicks off

T-L Photos/KAILEY CARPINO Easystreet Band performed Wednesday night at Betty Zane Days.

MARTINS FERRY — The first night of Betty Zane Days featured vendors, inflatables, rides, the annual 5K run/walk and a performance by Easystreet Band.

Vendors at the event were selling crafts, concessions and fresh produce. Fun and games included a rock climbing wall, a balloon pop game, a ball pit, inflatables and small carnival rides.

A crowd of people surrounded the registration booth for the 5K run/walk.

Martins Ferry EMS sold 50/50 raffle tickets, gun raffle tickets and tickets for a t-shirt raffle. The organization is also hosting a free raffle for a back-to-school basket packed full of school supplies, a backpack and a t-shirt.

Thin Blue Line Fraternal Order of Police Associates Lodge 100 was also selling raffle tickets and Bridgeport Police gun bash tickets. The Martins Ferry Lions Club sold concessions at the event.

Shane Blumenauer, Martins Ferry resident, said that he always enjoys attending Betty Zane Days.

“I like to come here and sit, and I like to see people come together and do things,” he said.

Donnie Blumenauer, Shane’s father and current resident of Bridgeport, said the festival has good food, good rides and good music.

“Betty Zane Days is a time to celebrate good times and have fun,” he said.

Betty Zane Days will continue through Saturday with events happening from 5-10 p.m. on Thursday, 5-11 p.m. on Friday and noon to 5 p.m. and 6-11 p.m. on Saturday. Here are the remaining events:


Twice as Nice, a band from Wheeling, will perform


Cornhole tournament registration – 5-6:30 p.m.

Cornhole tournament – 6:30 p.m.

Still Kickin, a band from Wheeling, will perform from 7-10 p.m.


American Legion Post 38 in Martins Ferry will sponsor free wristbands for all children 12 and under who attend the event from noon to 5 p.m.

Parade lineup – 11:30 a.m.

Parade – noon

Firefighter water battle to follow the parade

Bedrock, a band from southern Florida, will be performing rock classics starting at 7 p.m

Fireworks at dusk.

The portion of Zane Highway in front of the city park was blocked off during the event and will continue to be blocked off during Betty Zane Days.


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