
3 Marching Jets join Macy’s Great American Marching Band

Photo Provided Shown from left are Union Local High School students Carson Phillips, Jessica McCormick and Brody Roman, all of whom will participate in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York on Thursday.

BELMONT — As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, we focus on many traditions regarding the meals, gatherings, football, etc., and for the last nine decades, one of those traditions has been the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Much like the parade is a tradition in many homes across the country, it has become a tradition for the Union Local Music Program. Eight out of the last nine years — with the 2020 pandemic being the only missed year — Union Local has had musicians participate in the Macy’s parade as part of the Macy’s Great American Marching Band. This year will be no different.

UL senior Jessica McCormick along with juniors Carson Phillips and Brody Roman will take to the streets of New York. They will make their way from Central Park to 34th Street right in front of the NYC Macy’s store for the world to see.

This year will be extra special for McCormick. It is her second year as a member of the MGAMB but her first year marching in it. Due to illness last year, she was unable to make the trip. McCormick has been in the UL band for the last eight years and marching in the band for six years. She just finished the high school season as a field commander for the Jets. She will be on clarinet on Thanksgiving Day.

“I tried out for Macys so that I could learn more and to learn about being a part of something bigger,” McCormick said. “I tried out to give myself the opportunity to push myself to do better and to try new things.”

In terms of the experience, Jessica replied, “I am excited to see Times Square and the city in general. I am also excited to meet new people from the MGAMB.”

Phillips will return to NYC to participate for a second year in the MGAMB. Phillips marched in the parade last year on the tenor saxophone and will return this year on the tenor as well. He has been a member of the Union Local band for seven years and has played not only the tenor but the alto and baritone saxophones as well.

“I tried out for Macy’s because I wanted to further my musical knowledge, make new friends and get to experience something different with marching band,” Phillips said. “I am excited to get to see some of my friends that I met with the band last year, get to tour around the city and see all of the things NYC has to offer.”

Roman will also join the MGAMB this year on the alto saxophone. He has been a member of the Marching Jets for the last seven years. In addition to the alto saxophone, he was a field commander for the Jets this fall.

He remarked, “I tried out for Macy’s to challenge myself to new experiences. I want to experience a new place with new people to expand my musicianship to better prepare myself for a future in music education and performance. I am most excited to meet new people. I am a very introverted person and being in an environment where I feel comfortable being myself and meeting new people is extremely exciting.”

The Macy’s Great American Marching Band is under the direction of Auburn University’s Richard Good. Good is assisted by talented music educators from across the country. The band is composed of 185 musicians complemented by approximately 40flags and dancers. Participants must go through an application process and be chosen by the program to participate.

“On Thanksgiving morning while the food is prepared and sounds of the parade fill your home, be sure to remember part of the Ohio Valley is in NYC providing that soundtrack,” David Phillips, Carson’s dad, wrote on behalf of the Union Local Band Boosters. “If you watch closely, you might even catch a glimpse of Jessica, Carson or Brody along with Astronaut Snoopy, the 1-2-3 Sesame Street Float, NYPD Marching Band or even Santa himself. These Marching Jets are excited to continue the UL tradition of being part of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade!”

For more information, visit macys.com/s/parade/.


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