
Duvall tapped for role as new Shadyside councilwoman

T-L Photo/ROBERT A. DEFRANK Lisa Duvall is sworn in as Shadyside’s newest council member Wednesday by Village Attorney Thomas Ryncarz.

SHADYSIDE — Village Council welcomed a new member Wednesday when Lisa Duvall was sworn in to complete the remainder of Nick Ferrelli’s term.

Ferrelli resigned during the last meeting. Duvall will finish out the term at the end of 2025.

Duvall, a resident of the village for about 28 years, is director of referral and community partnership at the Fox Run Center for Children and Adolescents in St. Clairsville.

In the past she has worked for The Times Leader and as a regional liaison during the governorship of Ted Strickland. She has also worked for the Ohio Mid-Eastern Governments Association. This is her first time holding public office.

“I’ve lived here for 28 years, we’ve raised our boys here,” she said. “I feel that I have a lot of pertinent knowledge and experience with regard to public service, local government. I feel I have a contribution to make to the village.”

Duvall said she intends to hit the ground running.

“My interest is generally in economic and community development, particularly in our Appalachian communities. So I’m looking forward to learning in greater detail what the council, what the village, what their priorities are. Certainly I bring a perspective of a longtime resident, looking for opportunities to use my experience,” she said.

“I have a long period of service in federal, state and local government, so certainly that will be helpful. I am an experienced grant writer. I did a lot of community and economic development work when I was with OMEGA, and there isn’t a community around here that can’t use those kinds of skills,” she added.

Councilwoman Melanie Haswell welcomed Duvall.

“Her resume blew me away. She had so much knowledge on so many different aspects of things,” she said. “I’m excited to have her on board with us.”

After the meeting, Mayor Bob Newhart said four candidates applied for the seat and two were interviewed. He said Duvall’s experience impressed the other council members.


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