
Sgt. Scales retires from Ferry force

Photo Provided Sgt. Beth Scales, left, of the Martins Ferry Police Department poses with Police Chief Jerry Murphy to celebrate Scales’ retirement on Friday.

MARTINS FERRY — Sgt. Beth Scales of the Martins Ferry Police Department retired after three decades of service on Friday.

She was on the force for 31 years and served as one of the few female police sergeants in the Ohio Valley.

“Sgt. Scales’ retirement will be felt not only citywide, but countywide,” Mayor John Davies said. “She is a great officer and person who has touched so many lives in her years here at the Martins Ferry Police Department. She has gained the utmost respect from both her colleagues and citizens.

“We were so fortunate to have her as a longtime officer and sergeant for our department,” Davies added. “Her dedication and leadership are second to none and will be a goal for officers to achieve. I wish her the best of luck in her retirement.”


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