
Early voting begins Tuesday

Monday is last day to register to vote

THE SPRINT to Election Day is on with early, in-person voting set to begin Tuesday across Ohio.

Monday is the last day to register to vote in the Nov. 5 general election.

This is a presidential election year, with former President Donald Trump running as the Republican nominee with U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance, R-Ohio, as his running mate. Vice President Kamala Harris leads the Democratic ticket with Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate.

But aside from that high-profile contest, there are some local races and issues that will impact local voters’ day-to-day lives.

In Belmont County, Coroner Amanda Fisher faces a challenge from former coroner Troy Balgo.

Fisher, a Republican, was first elected in 2020 and works as a Barnesville chiropractor in private practice.

Balgo, who is running for the office again with no party affiliation, pleaded guilty to healthcare fraud on Sept. 18. The doctor of osteopathy was the owner and operator of Belmont Urgent Care Center’s walk-in clinic in St. Clairsville and was arrested in 2019 as part of a federal drug investigation. He has yet to be sentenced.

Candidates seeking to become sheriff, treasurer, commissioner, prosecutor, recorder, clerk of courts, engineer and judge are running uncontested.

Some of the issues for Belmont County voters to consider include:

A property tax to replace and and decrease by 0.2 mills a current levy of 0.65 mills. The replacement levy of 0.45 mills for five years would supplement appropriations for the care and replacement of abused, neglected and dependent children through the Department of Job and Family Services.

A Martins Ferry renewal property tax of 3 mills for five years to provide ambulance service, emergency medical service and the payment of the salaries of permanent or part-time EMS personnel.

A proposed amendmenT to St. Clairsville City Charter Article Xii, Section 9 requiring council to appoint a charter review board every four years.

A proposed amendment to St. Clairsville City Charter Article Iv Section 4 stating that the Director of Public/Safety shall be appointed by the Mayor subject to confirmation of majority vote of Council for a period not to exceed the Mayor’s term

of office.

A proposed amendment to St. Clairsville City Charter Article Iv, Section 5 stating that the Planning and Zoning Administrator shall be appointed by the Mayor subject to confirmation of majority vote of Council. Although the Planning and Zoning Administrator’s term may exceed the appointing mayor’s term of office, he/she may be removed from office by the Mayor with the concurrence of two-thirds of the membership of Council.

An additional 3.5-mill continuing property tax for the village of Belmont to fund current general operating expenses.

An additional 1.5-mill continuing property tax for the village of Bethesda providing and maintaining motor vehicles, communications, and other equipment used directly in the operation of the police department, or the payment of salaries to police personnel.

Renewal of a 2.5-mill, five-year property tax for the village of Holloway for purchasing emergency squad and fire department equipment used directly in the operation of the emergency squad and fire department.

RENEWAL of a 4-mill, five-year property tax for current expenses of the village of Holloway.

Renewal of a 4-mill, five-year property tax for current expenses of the village of Shadyside.

Renewal of a 6-mill, six-year property tax for current operating expenses of the Bridgeport Exempted Village School District.

Renewal of a 5-mill, five-year property tax for current operating expenses of the Shadyside Local School District.

A proposed 6.2-mill bond issue to issue bonds for the purpose of constructing various improvements to the Union Local School District’s elementary, middle and high schools, including technology and electrical upgrades, roof and ceiling replacements, STEM labs, security upgrades, asbestos abatement, draining, paving and fire protection improvements, middle school flooring and bleacher improvements, asphalt and sidewalk repair in the principal amount of $34,630,000 to be repaid annually over a maximum of 20 years.


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