
Barnesville to have an in indoor track team

BARNESVILLE — Barnesville High School will now have an indoor track team for the 2024-25 school year.

Indoor track has developed interest over the last three years at Barnesville, Superintendent Micah Fuchs said. Student-athletes will practice at the school but compete at meets at indoor college facilities throughout the winter season.

“It is good for students who may not participate in winter sports, as they can build their skill set competing throughout the winter,” he said.

Board of Education Vice President Tammy Wells, member Dennis Huntsman, member Janice Miliken, member Ed Eberhart and President Leslie Schultz approved indoor track as a sport for the 2024-25 school year and approved volunteer coaches Dylan Rogers, Brian Grear and Ryan Grear at the board’s November meeting. Members also approved of volunteer wrestling coach Chris Ford for the 2024-2025 school year.

The BOE approved a donation of $500 from Micah and Stephanie Fuchs for the turf and lighting project that was installed at the football stadium two years ago. Superintendent Fuchs said the school continuously raises money to fund the project.

The board also approved spending $62,436.40 withThe Nutrition Group for October cafeteria supplies and services, as well as spending $69,000 with The Nutrition Group for November cafeteria supplies and services.

Wells, Huntsman, Miliken, Ebehart and Schultz approved of the two purchase orders.

The BOE issued one year supplement contracts for the 2024-2025 school year to girls’ track head coach Ryan Grear, girls’ track assistant coach Melissa Dodd and key club advisor Corey Powell. Substitute aides, cooks and secretaries Jenny Roe, Sandra Sheppard and Tiffany Beck were approved by the board for the 2024-2025 school year.

The board also approved a resolution allowing the Village of Barnesville, in collaboration with the Barnesville Exempted Village School District, to apply to the Ohio Department of Transportation for Safe Route to Schools (SRTS) grant funding. The plan was developed with support of Belomar Regional Council.

The Safe Routes to School program provides resources, technical assistance and project funding to encourage and enable students in grades K-12 to walk or ride their bike to school, according to ODOT, and a comprehensive approach to SRTS includes both infrastructure and non-infrastructure countermeasures, programs.

Linda Sells will serve a seven-year term as a trustee for the Barnesville Hutton Memorial Library Board of Trustees, with her term ending on Dec. 31. 2031 as approved by the board.


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