
Steubenville set for construction

STEUBENVILLE — City residents can expect to see construction cones — lots of them — in 2025.

City Engineer Mike Dolak said five projects are on tap for the new year, not least of which is repaving Sunset Boulevard. Since it’s a state road, that work will be paid for entirely with state and federal grant funds.

He said city funds, supplemented with grant money, will pay for the other projects they have on tap, adding they’re all “very important to Steubenville’s infrastructure.”

Scheduled for resurfacing upgrades are:

— South Fourth Street from Slack Street to Lincoln Avenue and from Lincoln to Sinclair.

— The city’s Community Development Block Grant-funded resurfacing, this year targeting Ohio Street (from Belleview Boulevard to Ridge Avenue) and Kendall Avenue (from Oregon Avenue to Roosevelt Avenue.

— Sunset Boulevard resurfacing, starting around Welday Avenue and continuing all the way to Efts Lane.

— Coal Hill Road (county Road 26) resurfacing, to be done in conjunction with the Jefferson County Engineer’s Office.

— A resurfacing upgrade to a portion of county Road 43 (from the bottom of the Lovers Lane connector to Powell’s Lane) owned by the city.

— The city’s 2025 asphalt resurfacing project: Granard Parkway East; Granard Parkway West; Jackson Place; Majestic Circle; Broadview Boulevard (from Columbia Avenue to Majestic Circle); and Oxford Boulevard (from Columbia to Majestic Circle).


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