
Man Arrested Following St. Clairsville High Speed Chase

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — Ohio authorities arrested a man after a chase through St. Clairsville Tuesday night that left two deputy vehicles damaged.

The Tuesday night chase involved the St. Clairsville Police Department, Belmont County Sheriff and the Ohio State Highway Patrol. Gary E. Anderson Myers was arrested and then handed over to the Wheeling Police Department.

Myers was wanted for crimes in Ohio as well as several felonies in West Virginia after a previous chase on Dec. 15 where he was arrested by Wheeling police along with driver Savana Dawn Gwynn. Myers escaped police custody while being treated at Wheeling Hospital.

Since his escape Myers had been wanted by Wheeling police for fleeing in a vehicle and receiving and transferring stolen goods.

Myers is now in custody at the Northern Regional Jail after being taken again to Wheeling Hospital for minor injuries.


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