
Autopsy set in Martins Ferry death

MARTINS FERRY — Belmont County Coroner Dr. Amanda Fisher ordered an autopsy of an individual who died Thursday afternoon on Delia Avenue in Martins Ferry.

Fisher is not performing the autopsy herself, but she did determine that an autopsy was necessary. She said all autopsies related to deaths in Belmont County are performed in Licking County, Ohio, by a forensic pathologist.

Fisher provided the following statement Friday:

“The Office of the Belmont County Coroner confirms that a fatality occurred yesterday (Thursday) afternoon in Martins Ferry. As is standard protocol for certain types of deaths, a comprehensive investigation is currently underway to determine the cause and manner of death.

“This process includes a full autopsy of the deceased and collaboration with the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI). The implementation of these procedures does not necessarily indicate that a crime has occurred. Rather, they serve to ensure a thorough and objective examination of the circumstances surrounding the death.

“In this case, an autopsy is being conducted today (Friday). The autopsy findings, along with evidence gathered by the Martins Ferry Police Department and BCI, will provide further clarity for both the Coroner’s Office and the Martins Ferry Police Department.

“We will provide updates as they become available. In the meantime, we ask that the privacy of the family be respected and that speculation be avoided. Again, these investigative measures are standard in certain cases and are conducted in the interest of due diligence and transparency.”

After the death was reported Thursday, a heavy police presence was seen in the neighborhood. In addition, Martins Ferry Volunteer Fire Department and Martins Ferry EMS responded, along with Fisher’s office and representatives of Ohio BCI.

Martins Ferry Police Chief Jerry Murphy was contacted Friday but declined to release any information on the case.


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