Bellaire Middle School ranks nationwide
BELLAIRE — U.S. News & World Report ranked Bellaire Middle School as 201 out of 79,000 elementary and middle schools nationwide for 2025.
Schools are ranked by the publication at the state and district levels. This is the second middle school in Belmont County to be ranked by the U.S. News & World Report 2025. St. Clairsville Middle School ranked 191.
To receive a ranking, state assessments were analyzed of students who are proficient or above in mathematics and reading/language arts, while considering students’ backgrounds, achievement in core subjects and how well schools are educating their students.
The achievement is not something the schools apply for, but rather a recognition of their learning environments.
“It is a great honor to receive this ranking,” Principal Joshua Kernik said. “It shows the hard work that our teachers and students have put in at Bellaire Middle School.
“It also shows us that the direction we have taken our curriculum, instruction and programs is working.”
Kernik added that the ranking shows how teachers and students are working together in the classroom. He noted the achievement was made possible by the “great rapport our teachers create with our students.”
Bellaire Middle School strives to reach each and every student, Kernik said, and every student learns differently and brings different strengths and weaknesses to the classroom. But the staff has embraced 21st century learning methods to appeal to a wide range of abilities and learning styles.
“Our community plays a major part in the success of our building and district,” Kernik said. “Our youth is the focus of our town. I am sure the community is proud to know that they house a great school district with exceptional teachers and incredible students.”