
Belmont County EMA assistant director arrested


ST. CLAIRSVILLE — The assistant director of the Belmont County Emergency Management Agency was arrested Wednesday and booked into the Belmont County Jail.

According to the Belmont County Sheriff’s Department’s jail roster, Glenn Trudo, 60, is charged with being a fugitive from justice. He is being held without bond.

Belmont County Prosecutor Kevin Flanagan explained that the charge listed on the roster could be misleading. The “fugitive from justice” charge did not stem from any effort to escape or elude law enforcement; instead, it resulted from the fact that the original warrant for Trudo’s arrest was issued by another jurisdiction.

According to Flanagan, the original arrest warrant was issued by a law enforcement agency in Virginia, where it is alleged that he took part in some criminal activity. Flanagan said he did not know offhand any details of the original charge or the specific jurisdiction that issued the warrant. He said his office did assist in preparing search warrants for Trudo’s home and workplace.

Efforts to contact Sheriff James Zusack on Wednesday for additional details were unsuccessful.


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