
East Ohio Regional Hospital shuttering long term care and skilled nursing facilities in Martins Ferry

MARTINS FERRY – East Ohio Regional Hospital announced to employees by email Monday that it will be shuttering its long term care and skilled nursing facilities just a week after employees lost health insurance coverage.

According to an email obtained from an EORH employee, the hospital is working to relocate residents of the long term care facility and assist employees with transferring their employment elsewhere.

The long term care and skilled nursing facility “will remain fully staffed while placement arrangements are being coordinated to ensure quality care for the residents and appropriate support for their families and caregivers,” the email from Chief Operating Officer Julie Ross states.

The email also urges employees to notify the hospital’s Human Resources department if they are interested in any positions listed on the company’s “careers” page online.

This news comes just a week after employees lost coverage with The Health Plan due to “financial obligations not being met” by the hospital, according to another email from the Health Plan to an employee.

Ross has not responded to several requests for comment.


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