
Update: No shooting at Muskingum U., says sheriff

The Muskingum County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page stated there was no shooting on Muskingum University’s campus, but a heavy police presence remained to investigate the situation.

The sheriff is asking the public to stay away from campus as the investigation continues.

Original story

MUSKINGUM – Muskingum University issued a shelter in place alert for its students on Monday evening in response to reports of a possible active shooter on campus.

“Possible shooting on campus has been reported. Shelter in place until further notice. We will update the campus as soon as we know more,” the university posted on its website.

The Muskingum County Sheriff’s Office responded to the scene to investigate reports of a possible shooting at the university. The situation was unfolding shortly after 7 p.m.

“Reports of a possible shooter at Muskingum College law enforcement is on the scene. Please avoid the area at this time as the scene is still unsecured,” the Muskingum County Sheriff’s Office posted on social media.


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