Protesters shout out against Trump, Project 2025
WHEELING — Protesters in downtown Wheeling Wednesday screamed loudly, “This is what democracy looks like.”
A group of about 40 people, mostly women, assembled at noon Wednesday outside the First State Capitol Building in Wheeling to shout their discontent with conservative “Project 2025” initiatives and policies set forth thus far by President Donald Trump.
The protest was organized by the Ohio County Democratic Women as part of the national #50501 national effort, which stands for “50 protests, 50 states in one day.” Protesters came with messages to “reject fascism” and “defend our democracy.”
Teddie Grogran, co-president of the Ohio County Democratic Women, said an event was arranged locally as many interested people could not make it to the state event held Wednesday in Charleston.
“I am afraid for my grandchildren,” she said. “This so-called president (Trump), and his false president (Elon Musk) — whatever you want to call it — are ruining democracy. They are sticking their (tongue) out to the rule of law. They are defying the Constitution.
“I literally cry for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren as to what they will inherit.”
Barb LaRue, also co-president of the Ohio County Democratic Women, agreed with the sentiment.
“I am here because I’m angry. I’m frustrated, and I’m upset,” she continued. “I have children and grandchildren. We need to leave them a good country, and right now … it’s terrible what is going on.
“It’s very upsetting to watch the news and see what’s going on. People are losing their jobs, their livelihood, and families are being disrupted. People are being taken away like they’re a bunch of bricks and put in prison. Some of those people — the immigrants — are legal. They’re not checking that. It’s just upsetting.”
Among the chants were, “Hey, hey, ho ho, Elon Musk has to go,” as well as, “Love Trumps Hate.”
There were many car horn honks from motorists passing by on Eoff St. supporting the Protesters. But except for one mostly inaudible driver, no one appeared to shout down the Protesters.
“For the past number of years, I have been looking at the situation in this country. And when I look out here, what I see is women,” said former State Sen. Owens Brown, D-Ohio. “This election has set back women for decades.
“Basically, women have been relegated to second-class citizenship in this country. You don’t have control of your own body. Not since slavery has anybody not had control of their body.”
Women can make a difference in the next election if they come out and vote, he continued.
“If women would have voted for (former Vice President Kamala Harris) in the last election, she would have won the election,” Brown said.
“What really concerns me is that as an African-American, this is the first time I have felt threatened in this country. Trump has targeted us as a scapegoat for the ills of this country.”
Laws pertaining to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have been in place since 1965, and Brown warned of actions by Trump to eliminate DEI initiatives. He called this “economic genocide” to the African-American people.
“That’s just a scapegoat — a race ploy — to turn people against each other,” he continued.
Grogan added there was something else that was bothering her.
“We have politicians who were elected by the people to serve the people, and they are serving Trump and his agenda,” she said. “They are not standing up for their people.”
Wheeling attorney Patrick Cassidy started the event by reading an open letter to West Virginia’s U.S. senators, Republicans Shelley Moore Capito and Jim Justice.
“There is what can only be described as a coup going on under your watch as a U.S. senator from West Virginia against our constitutional republic spearheaded by Donald Trump and the unelected oligarch Elon Musk,” Cassidy said. “Do you realize the Trump administration is in the process of terminating hundreds — perhaps thousands — of federal employees who live and reside in West Virginia?”
He asked the senators in his letter if they thought former U.S. Sen. Robert Byrd, D-West Virginia “would have remained silent as you have to date” regarding initiatives thus far set forth by Trump.
Cassidy encouraged the senators to stand up for the Constitution and rule of law.