
Senior Suites sweet on its residents

T-L Photo/GAGE VOTA Senior Suites at St. Clair Commons residents, from left, Andria Conrad, Angie Sellers, Sue Daley and Dorthy Henthron get into the Valentine’s Day spirit.

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — Love is in the air at Senior Suites at St. Clair Commons, where cupid arrived Wednesday afternoon to party with residents.

The Senior Suites dining room was transformed into a venue for a gala as the facility hosted its first Sweethearts Dance. DJ Dan played music for residents to dance to and offered karaoke to provide residents an opportunity to showcase their singing talents.

St. Clairsville police Officer Greg Clark and Mayor Kathryn Thalman were in attendance to provide community outreach.

Thalman brought her dog, Sammy St. Clair, and allowed the residents to pet and play with him.

Senior Suites at St. Clair Commons Director of Marketing Cori Bryan dressed as cupid and delivered sweets to the residents, dancing with them and bringing additional cheer to the event. Bryan said that the event served as a way to get all of the residents into a holiday spirit while having fun.

“We’re having a sweethearts dance to promote excitement and trying to get everybody in the spirit and promote happiness for the holiday,” she said.

Clark teamed up with Bryan to organize the event. He said this is the first time the event was held at Senior Suites, but during the COVID-19 pandemic he organized several similar events in local senior centers and nursing homes.

He said he believes that hosting events like the Valentine’s Day dance is a good way to not only have fun but to demonstrate that the St. Clairsville Police Department is active in the community and there for the community when needed.

“Our people are still very young at heart, and we want to see them happy and having a good time,” Bryan said. “And everyone who loves love is awesome.”

The event had food, drinks, cookies and other various sweets served by Senior Suites staff members, who not only were working the event but getting the residents involved in the karaoke and dancing provided by DJ Dan.

Music was playing, people were dancing, and the holiday spirit was shared by all attending. In true Valentine’s Day fashion, staff members and residents alike participated in the cupid shuffle dance.

In addition to being an occasion for Senior Suites residents to gather, it was also opened to the public. Many St. Clairsville residents attended and cut a rug.

The partying lasted from 1-3 p.m. and seemed to go over well with the residents as they danced, chatted, sang and laughed.


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