
The Monroe County Fair will celebrate 175 years in August

T-L File Photos The Monroe County Fair will celebrate 175 years in August, which calls for big events and celebrations for the fairgrounds.

Woodsfield resident Raelynn Baker pets one of her three goats at the Monroe County Fair, where she has participated in showing animals for years.

WOODSFIELD — Monroe County Agricultural Society will celebrate the 175th anniversary of its annual fair this summer.

The 175th Monroe County Fair will take place Aug. 18-23 at the fairgrounds in Woodsfield.

“In 2025, the Monroe County Fair will be celebrating 175 years in the making,” the agricultural society said. “Throughout the years, the Monroe County Agricultural Society has cultivated the enrichment and pride that our Monroe County Fairgrounds provides to our community.”

Serving on the fair board are President John Williams, Vice President Brad Gardner, Secretary Barb Ackerman and Treasurer Lynn Parker.

The agricultural society strives to maintain the fairgrounds’ integrity and appearance while also facilitating the means to showcase the efforts of 4-H and Future Farmers of America youth, exhibitors and functions at the fair. The society added that its ongoing growth and success can be attributed to its partnerships with various supporting committees, organizations and businesses.

The board of directors plans to showcase the 2025 Monroe County Fair in a big way for its 175th celebration, honoring its rich heritage and enjoying the presence of the community.

The Monroe County Agricultural Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with proceeds from the fair and interim events reinvested into the facilities’ maintenance and development, educational programs and community events the society provides.

People can donate to the fair board to help offset the costs of all fairground needs with a general fund donation, which includes levels designated as society supporter at $100 and friend of the fair at $200.

In-kind donations and trades are also accepted and help improve the overall function of the Monroe County Fair and fairgrounds. These include services such as printing, painting and cleaning and giveaways, gifts cards, auction items, equipment and labor.

The Monroe County Fairgrounds is the largest hosting facility within Monroe County.

The society is seeking three “presenting 175th fair sponsors” available for $10,000. There will be six blue ribbon sponsors for $5,000. A supporting event sponsor designation costs $1,000.

There will be additional sponsorships for the rodeo bucking chute, demolition derby, truck and tractor pull, kiddie pedal pull and golf cart signage. Sponsorships are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

For more information, contact Megan Kinzy at 740-213-2921 or megankinzy.mcas@gmail.com.


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