
VIDEO: Responders clear debris from crash scene

KEY — The Ohio State Highway Patrol is investigating a serious crash that occurred Saturday afternoon.

Trooper Michael Grant said the collision that happened in the area of 51333 Key-Bellaire Road, Ohio 147, resulted in multiple people needing treatment for injuries. One person was flown out of the local area by medical helicopter due to “severe injuries,” but Grant did not immediately know to what hospital.

The vehicles involved were a GMC Sierra pickup truck and a Toyota Highlander SUV. Grant said the SUV traveled left of center and that evidence on the roadway indicated the driver of the pickup truck attempted an evasive maneuver. The crash occurred at about 2:15 p.m.

In addition to the patrol, responders included the OR&W Fire District, Neffs Fire and EMS, Spirit of ’76 Volunteer Fire Department and Smith Township VFD.


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