
Yorkville Village Council names new member

T-L Photo/GAGE VOTA Robert Zitzelsberger is sworn in by Yorkville Mayor Sandy Reasbeck to fill former council member Liza Presutti’s position on council.

YORKVILLE — The village of Yorkville has a new council member.

Council met Thursday evening to name a new member to serve out the term of former member Liza Presutti.

Council opened four sealed envelopes with submissions seeking to become the new council member.

After a short deliberation, Councilwoman Sarah Jokovich made a motion to name a new village council member.

Robert Zitzelsberger was selected to fill Presutti’s position. Presutti resigned by email on Jan. 24, citing several frustrations she’s had with the council.

She wrote in the email that she believes that her concerns fell on deaf ears when she voiced worries about the administration’s lack of transparency, as well as about council being divided and having an ineffective environment.

Zitzelsberger was sworn in by Yorkville Mayor Sandy Reasbeck. He’s been a lifelong Yorkville resident and said he is eager to step into his new role.

“Our village is struggling, and I think I can help them,” he said. “I’ve dealt with a bunch of people before being a principal, and we just need to move forward.”

Zitzelsberger was the principal at Bridgeport High School for 14 years as well as serving as a basketball coach.

He said he strives to make a positive impact in the community and aims to assist council in getting back on track to where he believes it should be.

“I’m looking to get into the nitty gritty of it. You don’t know everything sitting on the outside, whereas the council people know what’s going on,” Zitzelsberger said. “And you can’t believe everything you hear from the public, so it’s going to be nice to know that I’ll be a part of making positive changes for the village.”

He joked that due to being involved in the community his whole life that anyone who’s lived in the village will know him.

“I’m going to be a faithful servant for the citizens, and I’m going to serve the citizens in Yorkville the best that I can,” Zitzelsberger said.

Yorkville Council President Doug Delvecchio said he is looking forward to council having a full slate of members.

“I’m looking forward to having a full council because there can come a time where we need three-fourths vote to pass some things, so now we’ll have the right amount of people to do that,” Delvecchio said.


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