Dillonvale veterans celebrate 106 years of the American Legion

Photo Provided Members of Francis McCook American Legion Post 529 in Dillonvale, who are shown celebrating Patriot’s Day 2023, are now celebrating the American Legion’s 106th anniversary.
DILLONVALE — Members of American Legion Francis McCook Post 529 in Dillonvale celebrated 106 years of the American Legion earlier this month.
During its regular meeting, members celebrated the 106th anniversary of the American Legion by eating cherry and strawberry cake. Dillonville’s post was formed and incorporated July 21, 1947.
The American Legion has provided a place for veterans and active duty military to talk about good and bad experiences while serving in the armed forces, Commander Michelle Hedgecoke said. It also allows them to find friends with similar backgrounds. She added the legion provides military-style funeral services for every veteran who has died and has ceremonies for Memorial Day and Veterans Day.
The Dillonvale American Legion sponsors at least one junior to attend Buckeye Boys State, which is a week-long program designed to show them how every level of government can work and started in June 1935 by the American Legion.
The Dillonvale legion has collaborated with the post in Brilliant every June to retire flags that are no longer up to serviceable standards and thank emergency responders every September since 2001.
The American Legion has changed over the course of 106 years, including doing away with the years of military service eligible to join the legion and also joining in comradery with the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Hedgecoke said.
“I feel every group that helps veterans should be there for each other,” she said. “I think 106 years of providing space for the military, young and older, to come together says a lot. Looking forward to a big celebration in four years.”
Member John Kaffana, who is also a commander for the Jefferson County Veterans Association, joined the legion because his father and uncles were members. As a member, Kaffana participates in the legion’s Memorial Day service, reading aloud the names of the deceased veterans from the unit.
He said the mission of the American Legion is to show respect to veterans.
Kaffana said it’s special for the legion to celebrate 106 years.
“A lot of the men from World War II started the legion post there, and it’s been a place for the legionnaires to congregate, to plan their activities that they have coming up,” he said. “We have a Christmas party every year, and we just promote friendship and comradery with each military veteran.”