
Happy coincidence for Monroe Central

Student to sing before schoolmates play for state championship

Addy McGuire knew months ago she would be singing at the state championships, but had no idea that her school’s team would be one of those vying for the title.

WOODSFIELD — A Monroe Central High School student will sing the national anthem before her school’s boys’ basketball team plays in the state finals.

Freshman Addy McGuire is set to sing “The Star-Spangled Banner” at 2 p.m. Saturday at the University of Dayton Arena for the Ohio Division VI finals, where the Monroe Central boys’ basketball team will take on Marion Local in an effort to win Monroe County’s first state championship in four decades.

McGuire has been singing since she could talk and even performed at last year’s state championship.

The opportunity arose again this year when the Ohio High School Athletic Association asked McGuire if she’d like to come back and perform this next year.

That was months before the Seminoles knew they had a shot at the title.

The McGuire family found out a few months ago that the OSHAA board had nominated Addy to sing again, and they said their first reaction was talking about how cool it would be if the basketball team ended up making it to the finals.

McGuire eagerly agreed to perform and now, as luck would have it, she will sing the song just before her own school’s basketball team competes.

McGuire said she doesn’t pay attention to the audience when she’s singing, noting it’s a lot easier to perform now than when she started making public appearances. She added that because she performed at the state finals last year, she’s feeling more excited than nervous this year. She said she knows what to expect.

McGuire sings for Monroe Central sporting events, including football and basketball games.

When she found out she’d be singing at the championships again, she had no words and couldn’t really describe the feeling except for being excited.

“I think it’s super special because we haven’t gone this far in basketball,” she said. “And I think it’s even more cool that I get to sing for them, and it’ll be like history eventually.”

Addy’s mom, Nicole McGuire, said she and Addy’s dad, Matthew McGuire, are extremely proud of their daughter, especially for her to be able to get up on a big stage and represent not only Monroe Central, but the basketball team and community.

“For her to be able to do this and to do it with such grace is truly phenomenal for us,” Nicole McGuire said. “We’re super proud of her, and she handles the pressure very well.”

The proud mother added that the atmosphere at the state finals last year was indescribable. She said the experience was phenomenal and the way Addy was treated was incredible.

“And so even last year when we were there, we talked with (Switzerland of Ohio Superintendent) Phil (Ackerman) and (Monroe Central Principal) Casey (Tolzda) about how cool it would be if our basketball team was here and she was able to sing for that,” Nicole McGuire said. “So it’s actually pretty cool that a year later she’s able to do it.”

Monroe Central Athletic Director Logan Binegar described the journey as an amazing ride, citing the community outreach and support the school has been receiving. He added that with Addy McGuire performing, it shows not only Monroe Central’s athletic talent, but the school’s talent in other ways, such as in the arts.

“Being able to have this moment is really special,” he said. “It allows us to have a little bit of home with us when we’re in Dayton.”

Binegar believes that having McGuire perform at the state finals and the boys’ basketball team playing for the Division VI championship shows the high character of the students at the school. He said they have grit, are determined and work hard.

He added that it’s been a really great experience for him as a teacher and an athletic director to see the overwhelming success the school has had over the last few years.

Nicole McGuire also said the community’s support of all the students has been appreciated.

“Not only her being able to sing and the boys being able to go to the state final and the cheerleaders and everything that the community has done to support this,” she said. “I mean, in a whole this has been a community-wide representation of what the kids in the community can do here in Monroe Central and in Monroe County. It’s a very big experience, and I’m glad that so many people are going to be able to be a part of it.”


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